
New Me - Produced by Von Pea


bushytop said...

being that your one of my favorite artists, i loved seeing some mutual admiration for an underrated writer like selby with your last video. effing loved the clip.
i also have enjoyed your work as you are so wonderfully outside the conventional hip hop model. yet you manage to keep it 100% hip hop and that's no easy task. flipping black keys and making it sound like some early wu, absolutely MURDERING that knife song (which is still on repeat), and now the movie-themed video series. loves it.
how about some spike lee or wes anderson love coming soon? i would love to see you on some of their lush orchestral isht and fucking with their storylines.

Philwaukee & ChrisConsin said...

This is epic. Good shit. Looking forward to the album, dope concept.

Spec Boogie said...

Thanks to you both. Bushyop: I am for sure doing some Wes Anderson but I'm torn on whether to do Life Aquatic or Royal Tenanbaums, some more Spike is on the way as well.